Principal's Message: Reminder, task for you edition

February 26, 2025

Principal's Message: Reminder, task for you edition

Students, parents, families, and friends of KMS, happy Wednesday!

This month we introduce BALANCE as our latest installment of the 8 Keys of Excellence for KMS. Balance is all about remaining mindful of self and others while remaining focused on what’s most important to you. This Key of Excellence can be summed up with 4 statements that perfectly align with the next several weeks leading towards a well-deserved Spring Break. Speaking for myself, I think these are great reminders, and I will hold them close to my heart this month.  

  • I stay aware of what is meaningful and important in my life.
  • I make positive choices about how I spend my time.
  • I balance my activities to nurture my mind, body, and emotions.
  • My choices lead to a fulfilling life.


Speaking of balance, I am balancing this week’s Principal’s Message with a repeat from the last 2 weeks and some new information. 


  • How is it going with re-registration?
  • No idea what I am talking about? CLICK ME for last week’s message. Don’t forget, this applies to all families, returning next school year or not!

New Information:

  • Check out the latest Bi-Weekly Newsletter for details about: 
    • March 26: Last day of 3rd Quarter
    • March 27-April 4: No school
    • Mindful Minute from Ms. Higa (ASACS): Fantastic information about the power of a rest. Seriously, this is really good information for any parent of a teen!


Make it a great week!


Jason James


Kaiserslautern Middle School

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Extended Absences

If your student will be absent for three or more days due to family trips medical procedures, or other reasons please complete an extended absence form prior to the absence.  KMS Administration will review each form to determine if the absence is excused or unexcused based on DoDEA's Attendance Policy.  


Once the form is submitted, the student will receive it and must obtain signatures from all their teachers.  This step ensures teachers are aware of the absence and can provide guidance on missed work.  After securing the necessary signatures, the student should return the signed form to the office.  This process helps avoid daily notifications regarding your student's absence.  

Please feel free to contact the Attendance Office to request an extended absence form or notify the front office about your student's absence.  


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School Hours

Grade Office Hours School Hours Summer Hours
6 - 8 07:30-16:00 (Mon - Fri) 08:00-16:00 (Mon - Fri) 08:30-15:00 (Mon - Fri)

Guidance, Nurse, and Teacher's Hours: 07:50-15:20 (Mon - Fri)

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