Principal's Message: LOTS of stuff edition

Mr. Jason James
Apr 17, 2024
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Happy Wednesday students, parents, families, and friends of KMS!

Today marks day 3 of our summative assessments. Our students have completed the literacy portion and will begin mathematics today. DoDEA’s Comprehensive Assessment System (DCAS) includes common formative assessments throughout the year, which are utilized to make curricular adjustments in the classroom, identify areas where students may need a little extra assistance, allow teachers to provide students with more challenging work if they are ready, etc. For our summative assessments, we utilize these as an opportunity to take a broad look at our instructional program, it guides our school action planning where we set school-wide goals, and it is a great snapshot to allow students and parents to gain understanding of the overall performance of students. Further, it’s a great way to help guide planning for high school courses. As such, thank you for the support with coming to school and sending your kiddo to school well prepared. 

Speaking of being well prepared, have you re-registered your student yet? Remember, all families need to re-register even if you are PCS’ing! Re-registration is completed on-line. However, if you need a hand, drop by bldg. 1032 on April 24th, 1600-1700. Re-registration should only take 10 minutes. 

What’s going on in Knight Nation?

  • April 17: Purple Up! We are celebrating our military connected youth for the month, but today is the day that the building will be filled with purple. Yep, purple is the color utilized to signify our unified support of our kids. 
  • April 19: PTSA Popcorn sales during lunch. One bag for 1 Dollar/Euro
  • April 24, 1530, in KMS Library: School Advisory Committee meeting: the SAC serves an advisory role for the school. Our SAC is supporting KMS Admin on developing and sustaining quality communication, community involvement, etc. Feel free to drop by; this meeting is open to all students/families.
  • April 24, 1600-1700, Bldg 1032: Need a hand with re-registration? Staff will be on hand to assist. 
  • April 29th: 6th Grade Field Trip
  • May 1, 0830 in KMS Library: Coffee with Admin in the KMS Library. If you haven’t made it to one of these yet, you should totally try to make it. It’s a great way to meet with the admin team at KMS, make connections with fellow parents, learn about what’s going on at KMS, and there are always lots of laughs. 
  • May 2, 1800, in bldg. 1032 Gym: Spring band concert. Even if you don’t have a kiddo in band, it’s totally worth coming. The KMS band, under direction of Joel Helston, will totally amaze you!
  • May 6-May 10: National Teacher Appreciation Week!

What’s on the Horizon, KMS staff are finalizing plans for:

  • End of year awards ceremonies, 8th grade send-off, and grade level celebrations
  • Yearbook distribution
  • Student Chromebook return procedures

Jason James


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