Principal's Message: Time Sensitive edition Vol. 7.1

February 20, 2025

Principal's Message: Time Sensitive edition Vol. 7.1

Good afternoon, Team KMS. 

This week’s message is a repeat from last week, which makes it extra important. I apologize up front for the length. 


I have a couple of calendar items at the bottom of this message, you can access the B-Weekly Newsletter HERE for important information, and as always, you can access an archive of all Principal’s Messages on the Official KMS Website. Please take note, we did not have enough student’s sign-up for Movie Night for this afternoon, so it is cancelled. 


VERY IMPORTANT and TIME-SENSITIVE, Target date is March 27: This applies to ALL families even if you are PCS’ing! 

The Re-Registration Portal opens on February 26th! Parents must submit a re-registration to indicate whether each student is staying in DoDEA or leaving their current location. Parents should log into the DoDEA Student Information System (DSIS) Family Portal at to submit each student re-registration request. The re-registration process also provides a quick and easy way for families to update information (contacts, Sponsor's employment status, student health) if the student is returning.

Below are a few tips to ensure success:

  • System will be closed for maintenance March 2-12
  • Make sure you are using the Current Student Re-Registration section in the Family Portal.
  • Expired or expiring orders? Upload documents on the Documents tab as part of the re-registration process (i.e., new orders, extensions, etc.). 
  • Update only information that has changed since last school year. 
  • Be sure to review and update all contact information for every contact. You will also be able to indicate whether an emergency contact should be added or removed. 
  • Need assistance?


We ask that our families complete this process ASAP with a target deadline of March 27. The process should take only 5-10 minutes. The information collected during re-registration will be used to determine each student's continued eligibility, as well as plan staffing and resource needs for the coming school year. After your re-registration submission has been reviewed, the School Registrar will contact you if additional information is required. 

Note: If the student is enrolled on a space available basis, the school will contact you for additional requirements. Re-registration is not confirmation that space is available for the next school year. 

Note: New Student Registration for SY 2025-26 will be available on Wednesday, March 12th.  


Dates/Information of importance from the Bi-Weekly Newsletter: 

  • PTSA Information: Check out the Bi-Weekly Newsletter for an awesome celebration of our school and find other news from the team. 
  • March 4: No school for students


Have a great remainder of the week!



Jason James


Kaiserslautern Middle School

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Extended Absences

If your student will be absent for three or more days due to family trips medical procedures, or other reasons please complete an extended absence form prior to the absence.  KMS Administration will review each form to determine if the absence is excused or unexcused based on DoDEA's Attendance Policy.  


Once the form is submitted, the student will receive it and must obtain signatures from all their teachers.  This step ensures teachers are aware of the absence and can provide guidance on missed work.  After securing the necessary signatures, the student should return the signed form to the office.  This process helps avoid daily notifications regarding your student's absence.  

Please feel free to contact the Attendance Office to request an extended absence form or notify the front office about your student's absence.  


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School Hours

Grade Office Hours School Hours Summer Hours
6 - 8 07:30-16:00 (Mon - Fri) 08:00-16:00 (Mon - Fri) 08:30-15:00 (Mon - Fri)

Guidance, Nurse, and Teacher's Hours: 07:50-15:20 (Mon - Fri)

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