Principal's Message: "We cannot walk alone" edition

January 15, 2025

Principal's Message: "We cannot walk alone" edition

Students, parents, families, and friends of KMS, 

Happy Thursday

At KMS, kindness matters. Truly, building and sustaining a culture of kindness and generosity is critically important to our school, and the partnerships that we build between the classroom/school and home are paramount to support this. Our amazing KMS PTSA, in recognition of this, is kicking off a unique opportunity to highlight acts of kindness and generosity through a fundraiser unlike any other. Over the next several weeks (now-February 13) students will have an opportunity to serve others, engage in random acts of kindness, and demonstrate their generosity towards others. As an added incentive, this fundraiser comes with prizes and recognition. See below for a message from the KMS PTSA:

Welcome to our Raise Craze fundraiser! This is a unique way for us to raise money for our school while making an impact in our community. During this fundraiser, students ask friends and family for donations via the online Raise Craze platform while paying it forward and serving others. What a great way for us to teach our students the importance of kindness and gratitude while raising much-needed funds. Students will spend time serving, not selling! 

·        Registration Link: 

·        Enter your student’s name(s) (family profiles are available!) 

·        Select at least 3 Acts of Kindness 

·        Enter 5-10 email addresses of potential supporters. 

Raise Craze will send all emails, reminders, and thank you notes. Emails will never be shared with third parties or used for marketing. 


At A Glance: 

Dates: January 21 - February 13 

Our Goal: $15,000 

Funds Purpose: 

·        Sponsor Student Events and Experiences

·        Month of the Military Child Celebrations

·        Staff reimbursements, classroom supplies, and appreciation

Mark your calendar:

  • Thursday, January 30, 17:30-19:30, KMS Cafeteria/Library: Join us for a “Knight of Service” where families can come together to write letters of encouragement and support for those serving our country, those in need, and so much more.


Stay PTSA Connected:

·       Facebook

·       WhatsApp

·       Volunteer Opportunities


Every student can participate in Raise Craze by completing Acts of Kindness (AOK) so we’re aiming for 100% participation. As a little encouragement, teachers will be recognizing “Kindness On the Spot” when they see students being kind so please talk to your student about ways he or she might show kindness at school. 

Need help getting started? Check out the Raise Craze Instructional Video at or contact your KMS PTSA at

Thank you! We are looking forward to seeing all the wonderful ways our Knights will bring kindness to your homes, school, and our community!"



CLICK ME to access the latest Biweekly Newsletter. Inside you will find tons of information about upcoming dates of importance, clubs, and so much more. As a reminder, no school on February 7.





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If your student will be absent for three or more days due to family trips medical procedures, or other reasons please complete an extended absence form prior to the absence.  KMS Administration will review each form to determine if the absence is excused or unexcused based on DoDEA's Attendance Policy.  


Once the form is submitted, the student will receive it and must obtain signatures from all their teachers.  This step ensures teachers are aware of the absence and can provide guidance on missed work.  After securing the necessary signatures, the student should return the signed form to the office.  This process helps avoid daily notifications regarding your student's absence.  

Please feel free to contact the Attendance Office to request an extended absence form or notify the front office about your student's absence.  


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School Hours

Grade Office Hours School Hours Summer Hours
6 - 8 07:30-16:00 (Mon - Fri) 08:00-16:00 (Mon - Fri) 08:30-15:00 (Mon - Fri)

Guidance, Nurse, and Teacher's Hours: 07:50-15:20 (Mon - Fri)

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