Principal's Message: Be like Gerald Edition
Principal's Message: Be like Gerald Edition
Students, parents, families, and friends of KMS, today is a great day to be like Gerald.
Failure leads to success is the KMS Key to Success focus for the month, and it’s a great one. It is interesting to see how averse we are to failure. Truly, it’s something I observe multiple times each week. That is, I see students and adults who attach self-worth to not being successful with something. It’s a good reminder for all of us that each day we tackle things that we haven’t mastered, things that are challenging, and none of them have any reflection to what type of person we are, how successful we are, or how successful we will be in the future. So, with this I want to introduce you to Gerald Hodges. Take 3 minutes and watch THIS VIDEO and let this quote resonate with you. “If I couldn’t handle not being good at something, then how could I consider myself a successful person?”
In last week’s Principal’s Message I shared the Bi-Weekly newsletter. If you haven’t read it yet, take a few minutes to get information about
- No school days coming up
- Student absence requirements
- Upcoming Events
- PTSA events
- Community wide College Night (open to all ID card holders)
- Club news: NJHS, Intramural Sports, and Study Success
- And more!
Jason James
Kaiserslautern Middle School
"How you do anything is how you do everything." Martha Beck