Principal's Message: Did you know edition
Happy Wednesday KMS students, families, and friends!
Did you know that today is National Microwave Oven Day? It’s also Put on Your Own Shoe’s Day. I think I will need to figure out how one celebrates microwave ovens, and I will continue to put on my own shoes…every day.
This morning Ms. D’Angelo (KMS Assistant Principal Extraordinaire) and I held our 2nd “Chat with Admin” event. We will continue doing these throughout the year and will be looking for an afternoon time for our next event. Today we were able to share details related to student expectations that we have been working on, we discussed the School Advisory Committee (more details coming) and opened the “floor” for questions. If you haven’t made it to one of our “Chats”, sure hope you can next time!
The School Liaison’s for the Army and Airforce are great partners with our community and are great resources for all families. This month’s newsletter can be found here SLO NEWSLETTER.
December 7, 1800, building 1032: We are all looking forward to tomorrow night's band performance!
Can you believe it? We have only 1 more school week for 2023! I will not be sending messages over Christmas break, so I’ll make next week’s a good one.
Have a great week!